There were 21 fish weighed for a total of 45.3 Pounds. The average weight per fish was 2.15 Pounds and the average bag per angler was 4.11 Pounds.

1st Place: Dan Haddrell 8.14 Pounds
2nd Place: Jim Stewart 5.94 Pounds 
3rd Place: Matt Johnson 5.62 Pounds
4th Place: Ben Foster 5.30 Pounds
5th Place: Ron Gayton 4.84 Pounds
6th Place: Robert Mann 4.58 Pounds
7th Place: Brandon Thomas 3.70 Pounds 
8th Place: Kevin Snider 3.32 Pounds
9th Place: Trevor Radach 2.56 Pounds
10th Place: Rich 1.3 Pounds
11th Place: Mike Schneider

Big Fish: Dan Haddrell 3.22 pounds 

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